Bone Chair by Joris Laarman. Personally I would call it the web seat.

AHHH Hang Over 2, it's fantastic film and if you're feeling humorous tonight I'd recommend this.

Guh, knitgasm, look at those beautiful stitch in design and details. So beautiful I'm almost brought to tears

Allowing the natural light to permeate and animate the interior with it's glass reinforced with powder coated metal frame roof I assumed it was the attic removes that sense of enclosure making it feel more spacious.

Transparent heels has gone through an enormous transformation from slutty hooker heels to something more divine, contemporary and ultra modern. I think we may bee seeing a lot of these next year or in the future I hope.

Christian Dior haute couture s/s 2007

TOMTOM for Spring. These would complete my dream list. Edgy and feminine all at the same time.

So need this leather jacket.

Eymeric Francois haute couture s/s 2007

Would you like some wood? Again the focal point of this image is clearly the timber table raw and unpainted showing you the characteristics of the timber with it's grains and how it can massively affect the way you perceive the interior. Furniture always defined the characteristics of a space.

My Sassy Girl

Lovely dress so terribly girly, one I may never really pull it off. I love and admire girly shit I just can't wear them, it just isn't me unfortunately.

Rag & Bone pre-fall 2012 BOLD COLORS AND PRINTS!

Incredibly inspired to do this "Girl with a Dragon Tattoo" smoky eyes. Well smoky eyes has been there for centuries only when the amazing Rooney Mara transformed into a bad ass edgy character with smoky eyes, it seemed very cool, dark and menacingly gorgeous. Cladded with ladder jacket and fitting dark trousers we're good to go. My style is inspired by the 80s punk rock fashion.

Chunky boots with buckles, dream come true

HAHAHAHA just imagine if I could afford all of the things I like when I see them. I should have a whole house filled with built in wardrobe to accommodate my terribly expensive fixations.

Alexander McQueen, Sarabande, Spring/Summer 2007

‘Grey House’ (São Paulo, Brazil) by Isay Weinfeld

Drawing by Seungteak Lee
One of the winners of the 35th Annual Ken Roberts Memorial Delineation Competition, one of the world’s most prestigious architectural drawing competitions.

Osnat Har-Noy
My name is Osnat and I’m a young designer based in Tel-Aviv, Israel.
I have a Bachelor of Design degree from the department of Jewelry Design at the prestigious Shenkar College year 2007, in addition to being a qualified Gemologist. I’ve always been attracted to the art and design world, harboring a curiosity for understanding what moves and excites people. I take inspiration from everything around me, particularly from architecture.
I have always been attracted to art and design, not only in museums and galleries but the kind that is constantly around us.
In my 3rd year in art school I have earned myself an awards for excellence for design achievers, and in my 4th year in art school, my final project bought me the opportunity to show my jewelry in a prestigious design exhibition in Milan Italy.
My designs have published numerous times in Israeli news papers, fashion magazines and mentioned in many websites.

Structured Jacket incredibly flexible and stylish at the same time.