Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Curated Wardrobe: Less is more

This week I read a particularly interesting article about how fashion evolved, affecting everything surrounding us.
It describes how the definition of luxury has changed over time.
For the love of fashion, demands of fashionable clothes are sky rocketing.
And owning a lot of clothes to the point that you fill your wardrobe to the brim has become overrated.
High street stores are capable of replicating catwalk masterpieces into your hands
Stores like h&m are able to offer you fast fashion at affordable prices.
So everyone is buying more. You become everyone
So how do you tackle this problem?
As luxury is always the adverse of homogeneous
Getting rid of your average pieces and save the exceptional clothes.
It takes skill to form a curated wardrobe, only will you understand fashion truly.
Just like an art gallery, you only display the finest pieces so as to not clutter and distract.
Having a cluttered wardrobe will most probably trap you into a wardrobe malfunction, by having too many to focus on.
Go minimalist haha.
It requires you to have style, to be able to pick the few pieces and still look fabulous
It doesn't have to be your most expensive piece, it could be really cheap.
Having too many clothes and accessories can hinder you from making proper decisions
Here's the article if you're interested in more.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The wild and the woods

I apologize for not being able to keep up to date with my entries
Just being plain lazy and was mostly due to my new itouch taking away my attention from using my laptop.
This time we head up to the woods which wasn't really far from where we live
As usual it was freezing but i was well prepared and i'm beginning to get use to the cold
As usual but still a beauty for me, the vast skies and the fields of soft grass
My hot husband
The view from the woods, you never get anything like this in singapore
Neither the scenery nor the ambience could be replicated in anyway. Even if people tried replicating nature, it's just not the same.
It's absolutely amazing to be walking among the tall trees producing this amazing aroma of damp ground dirt with scent of trees, twigs and dried leaves.

My first ladybug, isn't she beautiful?
Came down to the cafe around the corner, very cozy!
Stafford park feeding the ducks and a bloody greedy swan
Mind you swans are a menace, they may look graceful but don't let looks deceive you.
They could bite your fingers off if they decides to

Sometimes waking up felt like this
This was where i had my very first pub meal!
Unfortunately i failed to take photos of the interior cause i can't be bothered
This was the appetizer i had, beer battered mushrooms with rocket

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gloucester Cathedral

One of my first outing is a trip down to Gloucester
Gloucester is another town with a lot of tudor buildings and many cultural history embedded in it
One of the historical landmark is the Gloucester Cathedral
Inside the cathedral was simply amazing, i have never stepped into such a divine interior
It was a little scary but it was extremely remarkable
Harry Potter was shot in the corridors of the cathedral
I kept saying 'Slytherin, Slytherin' while i was in this corridor
A horrible attempt to be the basilisk in Harry Potter
You can sort of feel God's sovereignty weighing over you
Like God is watching over you with the atmosphere in the Cathedral
And this cathedral was built hundreds of years ago
Imagine all these details done without the technology we have today
Is stunning, it was an ultimate work of art
How did the architects who designed the cathedral build and construct it is beyond me.

It was bloody cold that day
literally freezing my fingers off
It felt like it was going to snow that day
My teeth never stopped clattering