This week I read a particularly interesting article about how fashion evolved, affecting everything surrounding us.
It describes how the definition of luxury has changed over time.
For the love of fashion, demands of fashionable clothes are sky rocketing.
And owning a lot of clothes to the point that you fill your wardrobe to the brim has become overrated.
High street stores are capable of replicating catwalk masterpieces into your hands
Stores like h&m are able to offer you fast fashion at affordable prices.
So everyone is buying more. You become everyone
So how do you tackle this problem?
As luxury is always the adverse of homogeneous
Getting rid of your average pieces and save the exceptional clothes.
It takes skill to form a curated wardrobe, only will you understand fashion truly.
Just like an art gallery, you only display the finest pieces so as to not clutter and distract.
Having a cluttered wardrobe will most probably trap you into a wardrobe malfunction, by having too many to focus on.
Go minimalist haha.
It requires you to have style, to be able to pick the few pieces and still look fabulous
It doesn't have to be your most expensive piece, it could be really cheap.
Having too many clothes and accessories can hinder you from making proper decisions
Here's the article if you're interested in more.