Sunday, August 21, 2011

Berkeley Castle

Berkley Castle was built around the year 1067
Amazing structure that was used to protected the kingdom from any invasion or siege
Love lasagne

The tree in the front yard was impeccably large

Heres a print of it in the 18th century

Thats where Grandad used to live and work

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A lesson I learnt really hard was that procrastination is a bitch
Not only does it apply to blogging but you're daily life
I know I'm suppose to blog regularly but I'm just too lazy
Picturing how much effort i have to put in when I blog discourages me a lot
typical of me would just postpone it another day thinking it would magically do itself.
Now I've collected a major pile of work i have to finish.
Never leave things to do another day, if you have the spare time do it when you can
Or else you're left with a big pile of shit you can't finish.
Just been busy going out and exploring the country life.
Tonnes of photos are on my facebook profile.
It's more convenient to upload photos and so much hassle to upload tonnes of photos here since i need to convert it through photo bucket
They days that I've got to go back are narrowing
I feel both excited and remorseful
Excited about the start of a new chapter of my life, the working life
Remorseful about leaving the love of my life and his family and of course the slow paced life of England