Friday, November 23, 2012

Lady Mother of GaGa PART 2

 I know it's been far too long since my last post. You probably think I'm dead but no, I've been busy with work. I know the typical excuse. Really I get so exhausted that I think sleeping in is more a luxury then anything else in the world. So here is the Part 2 of Lady Gaga Tour, that we were so fortunate to finally experience.
Now it's been a couple of months since I was there to witness a ground breaking event so it's impossible to remember every single detail of the concert. Since her performance was nearly 6 months ago, I'll try my best.
This castle started opening up into her back ground stage
Pretty amazing work in one night if I don't say so myself. It's bloody impressive.
I held my breath when she walked in, her presence so incredibly profound, I'm sure I wasn't the only one waiting in anticipation to await the Queen of Pop. Lady Gaga.
The stage lit up from where I'm sat, this was how it looks like. It's a beautiful view.
Then bam! Flash of lights and the music
Her whole story-line I think was to take over the world through her music, liberating us little monsters from reality and from a government state. This was lady gaga's utopia. Her music. I'm glad to be apart of.
This was actually a holographic lady gaga projected out to show that she was held down in a fascist regime and she tries to break free with the power of her music and influence.

Her entrance was more of her slipping into the stage with this dazzling alien like costume that could be designed by Giorgio Armani. I'll never know. This is one of the other versions she wore for her other ball in another country.
The one she wore was silvery and sparkly on top.

This was when she was singing born this way. Where she was literally going to give birth to herself.

She was practically gliding or hovering across the stage in this.
So ethereal.

This was where she started dancing around her prop stage.

Her dressed as lady liberty, of course lady gaga's version.

Gorgeous light plays
This time she came out as a motorcycle! Like her Born this Way album cover.

I think I saw a Chanel logo on that piano , either that or Louis Vuitton. Regardless of that she played Hair beautifully. It was one of my favorites.
Hot ass. One can't resist and she knows it and knows how to work it too!

This is fake meat don't worry. She looks beautiful in it though

Her props are amazing. I mean look at this meat sofa. I want a meat sofa.

The last dance.

My amazing partner in crime. Love her so much. And boy she was wild! Who isn't wild when they've experienced gaga fever. Despite saying that, I'm quite shocked the crowd lacked the enthusiastic response so hard. I guess we Singaporeans never really fully enjoy ourselves.
I hope you enjoyed this. Obviously you can't really experience what I had but I'll try to give you little slices of life.