Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Little Monster.

I'm gonna update you about a recent event that happened last week that'll explain this ridiculously hilarious video of us performing Lady Gaga's Bad Romance. So I implore you to watch it if you haven't, normally I couldn't bare to watch videos of myself fearing that I'll die of immense embarrassment. But I had to and I laughed so hard, I'm not the type that's got a face for videos, in fact my face freezes up and becomes ultimately spastic because I have to organize my thoughts and process how I should look on camera and it makes me look fucking weird every time.

This video was done 2 years ago in Seoul, now you must be wondering what was going through our minds when we wanted to recreate a this rather unique Lady Gaga experience. Essentially it was our last night in Seoul and we wanted to leave with a BANG. Of course the little monsters had to dedicate something to Mother Monster right? And fortunately for us it's one of the precious memories that we kept and share it with the rest of the world? So why not reenact Bad Romance? I mean we've sung it in class for about the 100th time and maybe a lot more? So we did

Logic behind the bra? There wasn't any, I just thought it would be hilarious to do so since a lot of Lady Gaga's costumes are down to her incredibly pimped out lingerie from studded bras to the all inspiring pantsless movement that hit the media and inspired so many fashionistas, celebrities and drag queens alike, so why not?

So why go down memory lane? BECAUSE my dear friend Hazima entered this competition to win Lady Gaga concert tickets and one of the medium was to take a video , so she used the one we videotaped in Korea. Good memories. AND GUESS WHAT? We got invited to the 98.7fm studio and we won the tickets. In fact we got to go live on radio singing the chorus of Bad Romance.

Plus Hazima made an amazing head piece literally made out of sticks. Add the drama to dramatic.
And we got to meet the fabulous Rozz and Bobby
It was an utterly incredible experience, like never before. I think I'm still in shock that we get to see Lady Gaga live. We're used to seeing her through an LCD screen for years and now seeing her get up close and personal might be too much for my faint heart to take.
But fuck yea, we're on our way to meet Mother Monsters. Can't believe our luck.
What's camwhoring without the glamorous toilet background eh?
Like a boss.
Have a glorious Sunday guys!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Oops Sorry? The Leap

I know it's been more then a month since my last update. Only those who are pretty close to me knows why I've been selfishly keeping myself to obviously my narcissistic self. In fact it's been so long that I forgot where I stopped.

Why now? I just feel compelled to all of a sudden, seemingly now I have that tiny bit of spare time to churn one out. I thought why not? Just wanted to share a little bit of my experience regardless how insignificant it may be but it mattered to me. Even the tiniest of details.

I mean I don't even have enough time to touch Mass Effect =(, how am I supposed to save the universe from intergalactic mass destruction? I don't, but here I am on a Saturday contemplating about how I'm gonna spend my weekends. I might have a hint.

SO I have a question for you lovely people out there reading my blog, how do you spend your beloved weekends? Shopping? Clubbing? Chilling? Family? Being a maid? Twit me your answers, or don't! @theeunicechung

Alright, I have changed my life in a sense it was a drastic change that was necessary. No I didn't pop out from rehab allegedly for coke abuse. In fact, I decided to get a new job as a design consultant for a legit design firm and knowing me I don't think it was necessary for everyone to know then. I hate shoving things in people's faces. Just not my style. And KY if you're reading this don't you dare snigger (an inside joke).

At that moment I wasn't exactly too happy with myself, still not happy but this I could live with . Matt said that I was suffering from first world syndrome. When you have everything and it's not enough, you're never satisfied, you begin breaking down the tiniest of things and over analyzing situations to suit your idealistic plan of what you wanted do in life.

We're conditioned to believe that everything should be perfect, especially Singaporeans cause it's drilled into us that we NEED to achieve something, whatever it may be because if we don't, we might as well just kill ourselves because we'd be hopeless bums. People would look down on you. Nobody wants to be a loser right? We were brought up to be competitive, and independent. So much so we lose who we really are, and we conform into that society norm.

That's why there's this massive underlying pressure to succeed in life. I read once that the general public view on achieving happiness is that you have to be successful, but the truth is it's the other way round, you need to be happy then you truly succeed in life.

Moreover it got depressing a lot of the time, where I'd easily fall into this pit of despair because my life isn't the way I want it to be and at that time it seemed like it was never gonna happen.

Like any paranoid bitch, I panicked and freaked out, I nearly gave up trying to pull off a paradigm shift. And it took a lot to take that very first step, and it has always been the hardest but I promise you that you'll never regret taking that risk. Because if you don't you'll blame yourself for not taking that leap.

Fear is a touchable thing, it could save you and ruin your life all the same. But you should never let fear stop you from achieving happiness. You owe it to yourself to pull yourself up and try again, no matter how many times you failed. I still do have a fear of failure, I thought sitting in my comfort zone could make me happy, but it comes down to asking yourself  'Are you settling down, or are you just settling?'. What do you have to lose really?